Thursday, May 26, 2011

Now What???

Having my big races under my belt, I get the feeling that I'm not the only one wandering around dazed and confused about what to do next.  I forced myself to take a week off to give my ITB and piriformis a break.  It was really difficult after about 4 days, as I was starting to feel better and getting a little cranky.  Since then I've been out on a few runs....short and enjoyable....and have taken a few fun bike rides with the fam.

This past Sunday was Weight Watchers national Walk-it Day, and I had a great time running the Relay for Life 5k at Hawk Island.  We had over a hundred members participate with a combined team weight loss of over 4000 pounds.  That's pretty amazing!!  I just so happened to come in second female overall and won my age group, so it was a great day for me too  :)  Sometimes those small events do have their advantages over the hype and excitement of going to a Playmakers event. 

So what's next?

I'm going to do a 21 day raw diet cleanse...that's what!!!

I've been a little MIA this week, and it's because I've been researching and planning out my approach to such an experience.  I love being on a weight loss plan that provides me the flexibility to do something like this....making sure I'm meeting my healthy guidelines without any processed foods. So, my plates will be covered with a 75% raw foods/25% cooked food ratio.  Raw foods will be Veggies, berries, homemade dressings, beans, seeds, and nuts.  Cooked foods will be whole grains, gluten free pastas, soups, sweet potatoes, and beans.  I'll also be incorporating some green smoothies, protein shakes, teas, and LOTS of water!!


Why now?  Because I'm in between training cycles, and if I don't pay attention to what I'm eating and how I'm spending my time....I'll be feeling really yucky by the time I figure out what I'm training for next.  I'd love to start that next journey feeling my best....not the other way around.

So, it's time to dust off my juicer and get to the grocery store tonight for the eats and a supplement or two.   I will be sharing more on what I'll be eating in the days to stay tuned!!


Jen B.


  1. Oh wow, good luck!! Will be interested to learn how it goes!

  2. Kudos on being proactive!!! I know it's so easy to pack on the weight and become a sloth during 'down' times in training.

  3. I'm pretty sure you're a stronger woman than I am! Good luck.

  4. first of all, CONGRATS on your racing! you've been kicking butt! super proud of you lady.

    secondly, i also need to work in more veggies and such. i may follow your lead. i had raw, plain carrots today and forgot how much i love them.

    i'm glad you like Asheville! i'll take lots of photos.
